Cape Girardeau City Council
City hall
401 Independence St.
Study session, 5 p.m. today
- No action will be taken during the study session.
Items for discussion
- Building code update discussion
- TTF 5 discussion
- On-street parking, 1700 block of David Street
- Appearances regarding items not on the agenda
- Agenda review
Closed session
Items for discussion
- Legal actions and litigation, confidential communications with legal counsel and property acquisition pursuant to RSMo. sections 610.021 (1) and (2).
Regular session, 7 p.m.
- Building Safety Month proclamation
- Local Government Week proclamation
Public hearings
- A public hearing to consider a request to rezone property at the southeast corner of LaSalle Avenue and Baldwin Drive from C-2 highway commercial district to residential urban mixed density district.
- A public hearing to consider a request to rezone property at 1024 Perry Ave. from C-1 general commercial district to R-2 single-family urban residential district.
- Items listed on the agenda
Consent agenda
- Approval of the April 20 regular sesision and closed session minutes.
- An ordinance approving the record plat of Aldi Subdivision -- amended.
- An ordinance amending Schedule H of Section 26-126 of the city code by establishing a traffic signal at the intersection of William Street and Sprigg Street.
- An ordinance approving the record plat of Baldwin Place Phase II-A.
- An ordinance amending Schedule C of Section 26-121 of the city code by establishing stop signs at the intersections of Sprigg Street and Morgan Oak Street and Morgan Oak Street and Spanish Street.
- An ordinance amending Schedule I of Section 26-129 of the city code by repealing various flashing light traffic control signals.
- An ordinance amending Section 16-32 of the city code relating to court costs for domestic violence shelters.
- An ordinance approving the record plat of Givoney Woods 7th Subdivision.
- An ordinance amending Chapter 15 of the city code by extending the one-half of one percent transportation tax and re-establishing the city Transportation Trust Fund, and calling an election in the city of Cape Girardeau on the question of whether to approve the sales tax extension; designating the time of holding the election; authorizing and directing the city clerk to give notice of the election.
- An ordinance appropriating funds from the employee benefit fund and risk management fund for payments to the Missouri Local Government Employees Retirement System.
- A resolution authorizing the city manager to execute an agreement with Nip Kelley Equipment Co. Inc. for the Safe Routes to School 2011 Project.
- A resolution authorizing the city manager to execute an agreement with Nip Kelley Equipment Co. Inc. for the Kingsway Drive Sidewalk Project.
- A resolution authorizing the city manager to execute an agreement with Apex Paving Co. for the 2015 Asphault Overlay Program.
- A resolution authorizing the city manager to execute an agreement with Piper Jaffray & Co. for financial advisory services.
Items removed from consent agenda
New ordinances
- An ordinance amending Chapter 30 of the code of ordinances by changing the zoning of the property at the southeast corner of LaSalle Avenue and Baldwin Drive from C-2 to RUMD.
- An ordinance amending Chapter 30 of the code of ordinances by changing the zoning of the property at 1024 Perry Ave. from C-1 to R-2.
- An ordinance accepting a general warranty deed from Saint Francis Medical Center for property containing the Whitener Detention Basin.
- An ordinance enacting a new Section 26-313(c) of the city code related to walking along roadways.
- An ordinance accepting permanent access and utility easements from various property owners for the CR618, VMDI, Baldwin and Route W Water Distribution Main Project
- Golf Course Advisory Board