Cape Girardeau City Council
City Hall
401 Independence St.
Study session, 5 p.m. today
Item for discussion
- Planning and Zoning Commission report
Regular session, 7 p.m.
- Downtown Cape Girardeau Community Improvement District 2018 budget review and presentation
Public hearing
- A public hearing to consider a request to rezone property at 201, 205, 207, 209, 211, 213 and 215 S. Kingshighway from C-2 (highway commercial) to PD (planned development) and for approval of the application and preliminary Development plan for a proposed commercial development
Consent agenda
- An ordinance renaming North Church Street to Northchurch Street
- An ordinance annexing unincorporated land at 484 Limbaugh Lane into the city limits, upon the request of Thomas Drew Fitzgerald and Barbara Ann Fitzgerald
- An ordinance zoning property at 484 Limbaugh Lane as R-1, single-family suburban residential district
- An ordinance extending the boundaries of Ward 4 to include property newly annexed into the city limits
- A resolution to execute a license and indemnity agreement with HMHP LLC to place a fence on right of way at 505 Aquamsi St.
New ordinances
- An ordinance accepting a permanent sanitary-sewer easement from South K Inc. for the Dollar Tree project at 201 S. Kingshighway
- An ordinance establishing the speed limit along and in the Independence Street, Gordonville Road and East Rodney Drive roundabout
- An ordinance repealing stop signs at the intersections of Independence Street, Gordonville Road and East Rodney Drive
- An ordinance establishing yield signs at the Independence Street, Gordonville Road and East Rodney Drive roundabout
- An ordinance establishing a one-way street in the Independence Street, Gordonville Road and East Rodney Drive roundabout
- An ordinance amending two-hour parking along a portion of Fountain Street
- An ordinance rezoning property at 201, 205, 207, 209, 211, 213 and 215 S. Kingshighway and approving the preliminary development plan for a proposed commercial development
- An ordinance imposing a 90-day moratorium on the issuance of building permits for construction projects using shipping containers as building materials
- Appointments to the airport advisory board
- Appointment to the board of adjustment
Pertinent address:
401 Independence St., Cape Girardeau, Mo.