Public hearings
- A public hearing to consider a request to rezone property along North Mount Auburn Road and Kage Road from C-1 (general commercial district) to C-2 (highway commercial district)
- A public hearing to consider a request for a special-use permit for a bed and breakfast at 135 S. West End Blvd.
- A public hearing to consider a request to rezone property at 3301 Hopper Road from R-1 (single-family suburban residential district) to C-1 (general commercial district)
Consent agenda
- An ordinance approving the record plat of Bartlett Subdivision
- An ordinance approving the record plat of Rhodes Mount Auburn Subdivision
- An ordinance approving the record plat of re-subdivision of Lot 1 of Physicians Alliance Subdivision
- An ordinance to execute a municipal agreement with the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission for improvements to U.S. 61 (Kingshighway)
- An ordinance approving the record plat of Painter Subdivision
- A resolution approving a first amendment to redevelopment agreement between the city of Cape Girardeau and Old Town Cape Landmark Preservation Group LLC
- A resolution acknowledging receipt of a second annexation petition from Drury Properties Inc. for Deerfield Estates, and setting a public hearing regarding the proposed annexation
- A resolution to execute a license and indemnity agreement with Fellowship Baptist Church of Cape Girardeau for paving an existing gravel parking lot at 430 Koch Ave.
- Acceptance of improvements and authorizing final payment to Fisher Tank Co. for the LaSalle water storage tank project
- Acceptance of improvements and authorizing final payment to Tom Beussink Excavating Inc., for construction of a driveway crossing in the Greater Cape Girardeau Business Park -- Phase II, Lot 2
- Acceptance of sidewalk improvements to serve Baldwin Place Phase 2
- Approval of the partial release of escrow agreement for Baldwin Place Phase II
- Acceptance of public improvements to serve Rock Gardens Subdivision
- Approval of partial release of escrow agreement for Rock Gardens Subdivision
New ordinances
- An ordinance accepting permanent drainage easements for lots 4 and 6 of Rock Gardens Subdivision
- An ordinance accepting a permanent drainage easement, temporary-access easement and a permanent sanitary-sewer easement for Lot 19 of Lilmac East Subdivision
- An ordinance to execute a special warranty deed to RFJ Real Estate Holdings LLC, for property at 429 Cooper St.
- An ordinance accepting a special warranty deed from States Resources Corp. for property on South Minnesota Avenue
- An ordinance rezoning of property at the northwest corner of North Mount Auburn Road and Kage Road, from C-1 to C-2
- An ordinance granting a special-use permit to Robin Keesee and Jill Collins for purposes of operating a bed and breakfast at 135 S. West End Blvd.
- An ordinance rezoning property at 3301 Hopper Road from R-1 to C-1
- An ordinance providing for the extension of a sales tax in the amount of three-eighths of 1 percent for the purpose of providing funding for stormwater control and local parks, and calling an election on whether to extend such sales tax
- Appointment to the River Campus Board of Managers
- Appointment to the Show Me Center Board of Managers
Pertinent address:
401 Independence St., Cape Girardeau, Mo.