Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

Gov. Mel Carnahan greatly disappointed citizens of Southeast Missouri who love children by his veto of House Bill 427, the Infant Protection Act. This bill, passed by both houses of the Missouri Legislature, would ban the killing of infants through what is known as partial-birth abortion.

Carnahan called this bill "extreme." He said, "Advocates of a woman's right to choose will be outraged by the bill's attempt to establish severe criminal penalties."Perhaps now we're getting close to the real reasons for the governor's veto of the Infant Protection Act. The advocates of a woman's right to choose are big financial supporters of the governor. He has taken their money in the past. When you see or hear ads defending his position, remember where the money is coming from.

We must turn to the Missouri House and Senate to override his veto of the Infant Protection Act on Sept. 15 during the annual veto session. This act passed both houses by the two-thirds majority needed to sustain an override. Will members of the Legislature play the game of let's-make-a-deal on Sept. 15? Let us hope and pray not. The lives of infants are at stake. After all, shouldn't what was right in May be right in September.

If there was ever a time for your readers to let their voices be heard, it is now. We're all concerned about the violence of children against children. Perhaps it's time we adults showed leadership by example of valuing and defending the lives of all our children, beginning with the most defenseless of all.

RAY ROWLAND, Southeast Region ChairmanMissouri Right to Life
