Letter to the Editor


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To the Editor:

During di~fficult economic times it seems you can't stop progre~ss in this lovely county o~f ours. The energetic and dynamic people ~forge ahead. But you c~an stop planned progress.

Sound ~financial procedures now require environmental approvals on properties before real estate loans will be made. It is sometimes our sad duty to tell homeowners that ~we cannot approve their property. Lack of environmental planning has resulted in:

a. Improperly constructed ~wells (surface water can carry contaminants into them).

b. Wells located near septic systems or animal waste.

c. Lots too small to allow adequate water and sewage systems.

d. Sewage discharged directly to roadside ditches, streams and sinkholes or other's property.

e. Poorly planned and~/or constructed wastewater systems which resulted in surfacing sewage.

f. Residential areas located near potentially hazardous areas ~and vice versa.

The Missouri Department of Health has become increasingly concerned with the numbers of bad water samples from private wells. Likewise, we are also worried about widespread contamination of our small streams - a friend of ours calls them ~"grade school beaches"~.

We recently learned o~f a child who nearly lost a ~foot after playing in a contaminated local creek. A blister was the initial site of a very stubborn infection. Infective agents in sewage often live long after they are discharged to the environment.

For the last few years we have worked closely with the Cape Girardeau County Planning Commission to help people avoid environmental problems. Contact with homeowners during the planning process allows avoidance of costly mistakes.

It is a joy to be able to go to our file and quickly locate a record o~f approvable location and construction, so that a brie~f ~field verification o~f proper operation and maintenance allows routine approval. It is also a joy to know that our cooperation with the Planning Commission has made our county a safer and healthier place to live.

In our lovely county you can't stop progress - but you can stop planned progress. Please don't. Please vote to save the county planning process.

Charlotte Craig

Director of the Cape Girardeau

County Public Health Center

and Jonell McNeely,

Environmental Sanitarian