Letter to the Editor


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To the Editor:

I realize Dr. Clark and the school board want the 51 cent property tax increase to pass in October to pass very badly. They probably have a long list of reasons why it should be approved. Why then are they not sharing them with us?

I have seen no explanation about where the money will be spent. I understand there are plans for a new middle school and other things. "It's the "other things" that concern me. It also concerns me that the decision to "go to the public" was made on a Monday, filed on a Tuesday and not discussed since then.

Why are we having a special election in October when we already have one in November? These elections only cost $1,200 to $1,700. Does Dr. Clark and the board really believe the voters are to simplistic to differenciate between gambling and school tax increases? Do they think that incurring the added expense of a one issue election serves the tax payers?

If so, they have misjudged this voter.

Until we hear an honest explanation we can only speculate about the real agenda. Speculation is hard to overcome with silence. Given past quotes from Dr. Clark we are left to assume that he and the board are running a stealth campaign to encourage low voter turnout.

This is hardly a profile in courage. This is not exemplary of true democracy.

It is more akin to midnight pay raises and other shenanigans we expect from Congress. If these tactics work locally how can we criticize them nationally? Perhaps all politics are local. If this is true we must stand on our principles here before we can expect our state and national leaders to do any better.


Cape Girardeau