Letter to the Editor


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To the Editor:

I'm writing in regard to the proposal to locate a riverboat gambling casino at the Southeast Missouri Regional Port Authority. My objections to gambling have been published in this newspaper before and will not be reiterated. However, I would like to remind your readers that the Regional Port Authority was established in 1974 as a joint venture involving Cape Girardeau and Scott counties. The boundary line between the two counties runs through the port. It is governed by a board of commissioners consisting of representatives from each county. In my opinion, it would be highly inappropriate to locate a casino at the port (whether on the Scott County side or the Cape County side) without obtaining the approval of the voters of each county. To act upon such a controversial issue as riverboat gambling at the port authority without the approval of the citizens of both counties would make a travesty of the democratic process.

I would hope that the people of Scott County will have the good sense to realize that riverboat gambling in the long run will not benefit their economy and will reject this proposal. However, if Scott County votes for riverboat gambling, the commissioners of the regional port authority should ask for a special election to allow the citizens of Cape County to give their assent to, or rejection of, this proposal. If not, the citizens of Cape County may be forced to resort to a class action lawsuit to obtain the right to vote on this matter. This is a right which we, in all fairness, deserve.

I encourage you to contact the five Cape Girardeau County port authority commissioners -- Mysee Keene, Kin Dillon, Ervin Garms, Ray Buhs and Jim Limbaugh -- and let them know how you feel about this extremely important county issue.

Dr. Michael Wulfers

Cape Girardeau