Letter to the Editor


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To the Editor,

There are a number of health reform plans presented by Congressmen, Senators and pretenders such as Jerry Falwell and Rush Limbaugh in their attempt to get attention. One or two plans do offer universal health care with various sources of payments. That is plausible and credible. Other countries have universal health care. Plans that make health care optional are nothing. We already have that.

The legislators of European countries are usually serious, morally responsible individuals that don't sell out as easy as our Congressmen. Europeans may drink, have love affairs, go to parties and become involved in natural human behavior without being sued, and without being accused of being a national traitor. However, when it comes to crimes against the public that damage people and the nation, and crimes against the taxpayers in the forms of fraud, deceit and outright robbery of the taxpayers, Bill Clinton is leading this nation back to honest, responsible government that is fair to the people.

The problem is: Radical right wing Republicans such as Bob Dole and Sen. Graham from Texas resent Bill Clinton for having good ideas and implementing progressive acts. Religious radicals such as Jerry Falwell and Limbaugh resent Clinton because he believes that women do have rights and that even gays should be allowed to work without persecution.

The people who have no concern for real problems of other people, but have personal greed for their own benefits are some of the loudest mouthed people in public. Limbaugh don't have any sense. He is just getting attention for his own ego.

