Letter to the Editor


This article comes from our electronic archive and has not been reviewed. It may contain glitches.

To the editor:

Wake up, my fellow Americans. Your elected officials are giving our country away. We are not only becoming a dictatorship/police state, but also a Third World country.

Our government is deliberately giving our factories and jobs to Asia and Europe, thanks to the treaties and the United Nations.

Now Mr. Clinton is sending our boys to Bosnia to enter another country's civil war that has been going on for hundreds of years.

Mr. Dole of Kansas has the nerve to say there was nothing Congress could do, as Mr. Clinton already has made the commitment. I say to Mr. Dole that he is a liar. Congress has the right to refuse to fund this fiasco.

Are these the type of people we want in charge of our country? I think not. Many of them have never held a job outside of politics, yet they have become millionaires. Remember this when you vote in 1996.

