Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

On TV, President Clinton said he wanted every child to have a computer and connect with the Internet "direct from Washington" so that every child will get an equal education. That is pure communism. China tried it. Russia had all thoughts entering its schools coming from Moscow. Our future children would be mental puppets of Washington.

Think, voters. What are you putting into office? An education system that teaches 2 plus 2 equals 5? That the Civil War was about slavery instead of a quarrel with England over the textile mills of the southern states? The slavery issue was pounced upon as a social cause only when the North began losing.

What is the truth? What are the facts of our history? Not what is said to be but what was at the time of the conflict? Liberals twist words and lie with a straight face. The aim of the U.S. Department of Education is to control your children's thoughts. Don't let this happen.

