Letter to the Editor


This article comes from our electronic archive and has not been reviewed. It may contain glitches.

To the editor:

I would like to pay a sincere, heartfelt tribute to the person who answers the Speak Out line. I telephone Speak Out all the time and at all hours of the day and night whenever the mood strikes. The woman who answers the Speak Out line has always been there for me when I call. Always.

Her voice is pleasant. The things she says -- always the exact same words -- are delivered in a very professional manner. More importantly, after she invites me to speak out, she never passes judgment on what I have to say by responding in any way to my comment. I appreciate that very much, because I have no desire to get into a debate or discussion concerning the content of my comment.

Frankly, I don't know how this Southeast Missourian employee does it. She must work 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This kind of commitment is more than admirable and far beyond what mere words can describe.

I realize that Speak Out is shrouded in secrecy and that you may not be able to publicly reveal her identity. That's fine.

I just want her to know that in my opinion she is the Southeast Missourian's most valuable employee. I hope the management will see fit to honor her in some way. Perhaps the best think you could do would be to giver her some time off.


Cape Girardeau