Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

I was delighted to read in the Southeast Missourian of the return of the City of Roses Festival in August. I am sure with Bill Shivelbine's determination and skill it will prove an even greater success.

Music plays an important part in a person's life. It is soothing and helps to alleviate physical and mental pain. Did you know it is even used by physicians in doctors' offices today to ease a patient's anxiety? At one time, when I was very young and feared a dentist, I asked if he would kindly turn on the radio so that I might hear some music. The dentist granted my wish.

Music stirs the emotions. My brother at one time had a pet dog that he was very fond of. When he lost the dog, he was so saddened he continued to play the same soothing record over and over on his record player.

The first City of Roses Festival, which offered mostly local bands, was an enormous success, playing at downtown night spots with the crowd being so large it was impossible to get in some clubs.

That alone and the tremendous desire among people for the festival to return certainly prove the festival to be given in August will, without a doubt, be the greatest one yet and will offer the assurance of even greater ones to follow.


Cape Girardeau