Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

In defense of letter writer Harry Barry, the morning-after pill is very definitely an abortion pill. Just because Planned Parenthood and abortionists have chosen to redefine when life begins does not change the fact that life begins when an egg is fertilized.

Birth control methods include the so-called barrier methods: condom, diaphragm, cervical cap and anti-sperm methods such as the sponge, jellies, foams and creams. These methods prevent sperm from fertilizing an egg, which starts a new human life.

Abortifacients cause abortions. The morning-after pill is a group of more than 50 similar types of abortifacients. Pills taken orally every day have three ways of working. 1. They prevent ovulation by suppressing the part of the brain which signals for ovulation to begin. 2. They change the lining in the cervix to make it more difficult for sperm to pass through and fertilize an egg. 3. They prevent implantation of a newly conceived human life on the lining of the womb.

The first two methods are contraceptive in nature. The last one, including the morning-after pill, causes abortions. The developers of the morning-after pill realized that using only the first two methods would let too many women become pregnant. So they added a chemical which denies the growing baby the opportunity to continue developing properly. Thus, the new pre-born baby starves to death and passes out of the mother's body.

I hope that this answers questions for those who were unsure.


Cape Girardeau