Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

In recent years we have heard a lot about violence towards pro-choice supporters by supposedly pro-life activists. Last year tax money was set aside to set up protection devices at all abortion clinics and Planned Parenthood offices. No self-respecting pro-life advocate would condone or participate in any violence towards anyone. But that does not make any difference to the media who like to paint all pro-life citizens and organizations with the same brush.

Recently. Human Life International released documentation on pro-abortion violence in Canada, the United States and Puerto Rico towards pro-life groups and citizens. The information released reveals thousands of cases where pro-abortionists have attacked persons with guns, cars, acid, hypodermic syringes and baseball bats while other pro-abortion advocates applauded and supported some of these actions.

Documented are over 55 murders committed by pro-abortionists and more than 2,000 incidents of other violence. The report found that pro-abortion violence exceeds pro-life violence by a ratio of 314 to 6.

The report finds that in the category of "deadly and extreme crimes against persons" (murder, manslaughter, infanticide, attempted murder, kidnapping, torture, rape) there are 121 pro-abortion incidents versus 25 committed by supposedly pro-life persons. In the category of "less serious crimes against persons resulting in actual injury" (assault, sex crimes, reckless endangerment, violation of civil rights) the ratio is 651 to 112.

In view of the documented evidence, I wonder why the federal government has not set aside money for the protection of pro-life offices and their staff.

Why do we rarely read about or see on the network news stories about this continuing violence toward pro-life people while, at the same time, every incident against abortionists is blown out of proportion with screaming headlines in the papers and feature stories on the evening news?


Cape Girardeau