Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

The following letter was written to Benetton Corp. in response to its worldwide campaign against the death penalty.

Dear Sirs, I happened to be a very good friend and fellow officer of Missouri Highway Patrol Trooper James Froemsdorf, who lost his life in the line of duty on March 2, 1985. I cannot believe you people go around interviewing death-row inmates and give them the opportunity to come out in a book and your magazine.

Jerome Mallet was found guilty of murder. He killed my friend in cold blood, and he deserves to be executed for the crime he committed. The people have spoken in this case, and your organization needs to stay out of the legal justice system here in the United States.

These criminals you are supporting are violent killers in our society here in the States. These convicted killers should be on lockdown on death row 24 hours a day, seven days a week and not out in the general prison population such as is Mallet.

I'm contacting all my fellow officers to make them aware how your organization is supporting convicted killers across our country. Our justice system has taken long enough on the Mallet case, and justice should have been served 10 years ago by executing Jerome Mallet as the people had ordered.

Organizations like yours go out and promote convicted killers so you can sell your goods, and you try to make these people look like heroes when they are nothing but convicted cold-blooded killers who have taken innocent lives.

The children of Trooper Froemsdorf missed their father when they needed him the most while they were growing up because of this Killer that you put in the limelight with your recent interview with him. Have you ever thought about the victims and their families and how they feel about the loss of a loved one by one of these thugs that you have interviewed and support? The people in Southeast Missouri are outraged with your recent interview with Mallett, and they have full right to be outraged.

