Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

On Nov. 7. Gov. George W. Bush was the winner. Al Gore got his original recount of the votes in Florida. After that, the shenanigans should have ended, but liberal spinsters, partisan judges and Democratic canvassing boards got this mess drawn on long enough to split the nation right down the middle.

After nearly a month, justice has finally been served. The courts have ruled that these recounts should not continue. The vice president has gone on and on until he has become blue in the face that he wants the "voice of the people" to the heard. The only voice that has been heard were through polls that showed over three-fifths of our nation wanting him to throw in the towel.

When I went to the voting booth, I took responsibility for my ballot. If I accidentally voted for the wrong candidate, that is my own fault. Pat Buchanan got 5,000 fewer votes in Palm Beach for the election than for the Republican primary. Where is the discrepancy?

Bush is going to be our 43rd president. It is time for our country to move forward with that in mind. I really do not care when the vice president quits. The longer he continues, the more likely it is that we will have eight years of Bush. Funny, but wasn't it Clinton and Gore who deprived us of that the first time?


Cape Girardeau