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To the Editor:

When I first read your article about the Tulsa Ballet's performance of the "Nutcracker Suite" in our Show Me Center, I was excited about the great cultural experience this would provide. Imagine my excitement when, in a later article you explained that local children would be allowed to audition for some of the minor roles! The chance to audition for a reputable ballet company is something dancers especially children aspire to do.

My enthusiasm was quashed when I learned only one dance studio in town was allowed this great opportunity. We have at least five studios in the surrounding area comprised of hundreds of students. These children were denied the experience of auditioning. I must question the motives of people who would deny any child this chance.

I am appalled by the insensitivity shown toward fellow dancers. I realize few of the children would be chosen to participate in the actual performance. That would be icing on ~the cake. The real learning experience consisted of the audition. The opportunity to show a professional the accomplishments worked and strived for could be the fulfillment of a child's dream.

Why deny any child?

Cynthia Adams

Cape Girardeau