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To the Editor:

The story ran recently by the St. Louis Post Dispatch in regards to Circuit Judge A.J. Seier represents sensational journalism and character assassination at its very worst. The Southeast Missourian is to be commended for its editorial Tuesday "Political cheapshot ends distinguished career of judge," which attempts to put things in proper perspective.

Perhaps the key question that should be asked is what or who occasioned the state of Missouri to engage in an expensive six-month investigation, involving the hiring of a private investigator to track down a relatively insignificant mileage expense overcharge, possibly the result of bookkeeping error, and later repaid.

As it now stands a distinguished career has been sullied and brought to an untimely conclusion. I hope that the Missourian will continue, as it stated in its editorial, to explore this story further and shed more light on a dark chapter in Missouri's legal history.

Paul L. Ebaugh Sr.

Cape Girardeau