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Southeast Missouri State University has landed a real literary coup. It will become the first university in the state to host the Southern Literary Festival.

This celebration of literature and creative writing represents the efforts of 25 colleges and universities throughout the South. And it will bring several talented and well-known writers to the campus -- including award-winning novelist and short story writer Bobby Ann Mason. Among her work is the bestselling "In Country," which was the basis of a major motion picture. The festival also showcases the talents of local writers and educators.

There's no good excuse not to take advantage of this top-notch festival -- admission is free and open to the public. Registration begins this morning at 8:30, and sessions run all day today through noon Saturday. The workshops are geared to writers, aspiring writers and those who just enjoy good literature.

No doubt the university's claim to literary fame -- the Center for Faulkner Studies -- helped lure the festival to town. The amount of local talent -- which is well utilized in the program -- was another draw. We commend the university and the many home-grown writers who will participate. This conference should certainly rank in the "not-to-be-missed" category.