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The season of giving is upon us. Although people are generous year around, there is just something about Thanksgiving and Christmas that prompt them to reach out to others.

It is a time to count blessings. It is a time to share bounties. Amid the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, people pause to care about those around them. It is downright heartwarming.

Some people complain that too much giving is limited to the holidays. Charitable giving may be weighted to November and December, but there is an incredible amount of benevolent effort that continues throughout the year. This is a generous region, with both individuals and businesses supportive of both people in need and causes of worth.

The Southeast Missourian and Cape Girardeau Jaycees count on that atmosphere of giving during the annual Toybox drive. The Salvation Army will begin accepting Toybox applications Monday.

The wish lists aren't extravagant or long. Many want simple dolls or trucks and warm clothing. Children who ask for help from Toybox don't understand why their parents don't have the money to put presents under the tree. They don't understand why Santa Claus doesn't stop. The community becomes an army of silent Santas who can make Christmas dreams come true.

Last year, Toybox delivered presents to more than 1,000 children in 463 homes. The demand increased by almost 70 applications last year. A number of families were hurt by the devastating flooding of 1993.

Thanks to community generosity, the Christmas for the Elderly program filled all the needs last year. A joint project of the Southeast Missourian and Cape Girardeau County Health Department, the project filled all requests last year. Again, the wish lists were far from extravagant: food, warm clothing and help to buy medicine.

Both Toybox and Christmas for the Elderly will kick off this year's drives the Sunday after Thanksgiving. Daily stories will tell readers about the simple needs of this year's recipients.

Community generosity surrounds us. The Area Wide United Way is just over three-quarters of the way to its current campaign goal of $520,000. Boy Scouts in Cape Girardeau, Perry and Bollinger counties collected more than 25,300 cans of food over the weekend during their annual Scouting for Food.

The Salvation Army is poised to launch its annual Tree of Lights fund raising drive the day after Thanksgiving. This year's goal is $125,000.

Organizations, students, service groups, businesses -- it seems everyone promotes their favorite charitable cause this time of year. But for all the causes, a giving heart comes forward. Goal after goal is met through generous community and dedicated volunteers.

That is because these giving people have discovered the secret to holiday happiness: It feels good to give. Charity is one of the best ways to bring a smile to your face during the hurried holiday season.