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There are so few real heroes these days, particularly ones you can get close to and speak to and shake hands with. There is a literary hero in Cape Girardeau, however, and she is close, chatty and will gladly shake your hand. Jean Bell Mosley is your neighbor, which is what makes her so special.

Thousands of readers have been delighted once a week for nearly four decades by Mosley's inspirational columns. Her uplifting view of the world through her garden window is a sanctuary for anyone who is beset by the tides of the modern world. A few moments a week with Mosley's well-turned phrases leave the reader bolstered for another day in this world of ours.

Besides being a gifted writer, Mosley is a consummate story teller. Out of the ordinary, everyday happenstances of her life she weaves magic cloth, which dresses her readers in garments of such finery that they become a part of the story through recollections of their own.

Such is the stuff of the classics. For all those fans of Mosley's who relish each new column, there is a special treat when she publishes a book. Her latest, "Seeds on the Wind," is a collection based on her columns, magazine stories and other articles. It is a treasure, another jewel in her chest of literary accomplishments.

It is with great pride that Cape Girardeau counts Jean Bell Mosley as one of its own. Congratulations! And...