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The Cape Girardeau County Jail has experienced severe overcrowding in recent weeks. The jail, which comfortably holds 60 prisoners, had a record 101 on Jan. 19.

Judges were told to delay the start of some sentencing, and some individuals serving weekend sentences were given a weekend off to minimize overcrowding. Other inmates received an early release.

A get-tough-on-crime stance in recent years have filled jails and prisons to the brim in Missouri and across the nation.

About 80 percent of the inmate population awaits court appearances and can't make bail. A turnover of judges and other personnel may have slowed the process as newcomers become oriented. But they are working to make their way through the backlog.

Building a new jail is an expensive proposition. For now, the county should watch the trends, continue to share space in neighboring jails and consider reinstatement of its home incarceration program for non-violent crimes. Jail space should be reserved for repeat offenders and violent criminals.