

This article comes from our electronic archive and has not been reviewed. It may contain glitches.

Several groups from Cape Girardeau churches are finding ways to help others in places where help is needed the most. As summer activities go, there is probably nothing more uplifting than joining with like-minded believers in doing some good works.

For example:

-- A group from Mount Auburn Christian Church worked at an orphanage in Mexico. The provided much-needed construction work.

-- A group from St. Mary's Cathedral and St. Vincent's Catholic Church worked with Navajo Indians in Arizona.

-- A group from Lynwood Baptist Church worked repairing houses in the Appalachian Mountains of eastern Tennessee.

The key word here is "work." Other groups from other churches also are planning summer missions. Each will call upon these volunteers to work for others. All of this is mindful of the Benedictine view that all work, done well and in the right spirit, is prayer. Just think of all the prayers that have been willingly offered by Cape Girardeau folks this summer.