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Each year the Missouri Humanities Council honors a handful of people who have made exceptional contributions to history, literature, or the ideas that shape democracy.

A Kennett woman was one of this year's recipient of the prestigious Acorn Award.

Like an acorn, the seeds that these recipients plant grow into big ideas across Missouri.

Evelyn Pulliam was honored for her work to promote reading. She is coordinator of public relations for the Dunklin County Library, one of the best rural libraries in the state.

She has introduced the "Read From the Start" program to the Bootheel, which provides books to economically disadvantaged families. She has promoted discussions, lectures and even Internet access as a way to bring more people into the library. Pulliam has also been active with a number of youth-oriented groups in the area -- promoting reading at every turn. She even goes to one of the nine county school districts each week to read to elementary schools.

Pulliam will be among six recipients honored today at a high tea at the Governor's Mansion in Jefferson City.

The love of reading can be contagious. Pulliam's longtime efforts are well deserving of this statewide recognition. Hopefully, the seeds she has planted on the importance of reading and learning will continue to bloom in Dunklin County for many years to come.