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When it comes to music, Cape Girardeau can really shine. The city is home to a number of talented musicians and singers who perform throughout the region.

The first City of Roses Festival will bring these talented groups and individuals together on a single weekend. And those who attend will have an opportunity to really appreciate these home-grown talents.

The festival, which starts tomorrow and runs through Saturday, will be centered in downtown Cape Girardeau. It is a great setting for a weekend of blues, rhythm and rock 'n' roll.

In addition to local talents, organizers will bring in Rufus Thomas as the featured performer. When he turned 80, the state of Tennessee and city of Memphis declared it Rufus Thomas Day, and a section in the historic Beale Street district was renamed in his honor.

He is perhaps best known for the song "Walkin' the Dog" and for creating the dance called the Funky Chicken. Thomas will perform Saturday night on one of two stages that will be erected at the foot of Broadway. Continuous music will be performed from 3 to 10:40 p.m., with a modest admission charge.

On Friday, a number of groups will perform in eight different downtown bars. For one price, individuals can listen to all bands during a Downtown Walk-Around. The participating businesses include The Edge, Jeremiah's, River City Yacht Club, the Rude Dog, Broussard's, Sharky's, Papa Bear's and the Bel Air Grill.

The music itself should prove well worth the price of admission. But organizers deserve praise for going beyond mere performance. The festival will open Thursday night with an awards ceremony to pay tribute to those who excel in music locally. It is the kind of formal recognition that is often overlooked.

Those on the ballot were nominated by the Cape Musicians Guild, and the public was encouraged to vote on their favorite musicians and groups.

The City of Roses Festival will provide a wonderful opportunity to showcase local musicians and downtown Cape Girardeau. With proper nurturing and community support, this festival can grow into a viable tourist attraction.