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To arrest or not to arrest. For Judge Ed Calvin there is no question.

Cape Girardeau's municipal judge issues an arrest warrant for anyone who fails to appear in his court. He's tough on people who break the law.

Retired Cape Girardeau businessman Jamie Estes takes issue with Calvin's approach. Estes wrote down the wrong court date. Upon realizing his mistake, he called the police department and was told to turn himself in. He was arrested, booked and fingerprinted. An officer escorted him to his bank to post the $200 bond. All this for running a stop sign.

Estes' ire is understandable. Cape Girardeau Circuit Court judges don't automatically issue warrants for defendants who fail to appear in court. Most cases of this kind are simply continued and the parties contacted in the higher court.

But it's hard to criticize Judge Calvin. He's tough and consistent. Everyone is treated the same way in his court, whether you're a pillar in the community or not. Most people would admire the fact that justice is doled out the same for everyone.

Justice is best served by fairness, consistency and community standards.