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The Cape Girardeau Regional Airport will be the host for a three-day air festival July 10-12, and lots of help is needed.

The airport is hoping that this year's festival will the first of many to follow. That would certainly be good news. Past events at the airport have been exceedingly popular, and the festival will also provide well-deserved exposure to airport facilities.

The festival line-up seems teeming with excitement. There will be a team of professional air show performances, hot air balloons, sky writing and military demonstrations along with flight simulators.

But a festival of this size needs volunteer help. Aviation skills aren't necessary. People are needed for a variety of jobs including scheduling, communications, concessions, coordinating performers, security, setup and cleanup. Individuals who want to volunteer can contact the airport office at 334-6230.

With this new festival, the Cape Girardeau Regional Airport and volunteers can join in the high-flying fun.