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The Southeast Missourian does a good deal of reporting on the good things people do, particularly the younger generation whose members are still learning about humanitarian service, codes of conduct and moral and ethical behavior. Still, readers from time to time call or write to urge this newspaper -- and other media as well -- to put more emphasis on all the good things youngsters are doing.

One good example of such good works was last week's story about teen-age volunteers at St. Francis Medical Center and Southeast Missouri Hospital. Particularly noteworthy was the fact that many students take advantage of their summer vacations by volunteering at the two hospitals.

Along the way, young hospital volunteers learn valuable life lessons. Some of them develop career interests in health care. Others develop a sense of responsibility that comes from being in such close contact with people who are relying on trained professionals to regain their health, or who are coming to the end of life's journey.

It is a remarkable thing these youngsters are doing. They deserve all the recognition they can get.