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If you're going to give, make it count.

The Area Wide United Way has kicked off its annual fund raising drive with an impressive $750,000 goal. That goal is about $60,000 more than last year's receipts.

The goal has grown tremendously over the years. Ten years ago, the goal was $425,000. Compare that to five years ago, when it stood at $520,000.

But today's goal is more in line with what it should be. A growing, vibrant community with a giving heart should be able to support a $750,000 United Way goal. donations will continue to grow in the coming years.

United Way executive director Nancy Jernigan says United Way is all about community. That's what makes the drive so special. Most of the dollars stay in Cape Girardeau, Jackson and Scott City to help local folks.

And the range of United Way programs is remarkable.

Your donation will help both senior citizens and children. It will assist handicapped individuals and underprivileged. It will lend a hand to abused women and their children. Your dollars will help people addicted to drugs and alcohol turn around their lives.

Where else can one donation do so much? In all, the Area Wide United Way supports 42 programs at 25 agencies.

About 250 people turned out for the official kickoff ceremony on the banks of Mississippi River this past week. The campaign not only brings out the best in local benefactors, it stirs up friendly competition among co-workers and businesses. A large chunk of the United Way dollars comes from payroll deductions. For example, the 196 employees at Schnucks raised an incredible $26,000 for the United Way last year during a special campaign.

This is but one of hundreds of examples that warm your heart and make you smile. That's because United Way dollars are working to improve the region each year through the support of community-based agencies that make a difference.

Join the United Way team through a donation, big or small, and you can make a difference too. There's no better way to build hope and humanity for a better life in the 21st century.