Pavement Ends
James Baughn was the webmaster of and its sister newspapers for 20 years. On the side, he maintained even more sites, including,,, and Humorix. Baughn passed away in 2020 while doing one of the things he loved most: hiking in Southeast Missouri. Here is an archive of his writing about hiking and nature in our area.
Update: Causeway to Devil's Island has partially collapsed
Posted Sunday, January 8, 2012, at 9:42 PM
Last year's flooding has taken its toll at Devil's Island, an island in the Mississippi River just across from McClure, Illinois.
When the river was low enough, it was possible to walk to the island across a crumbling concrete causeway. Unfortunately, the crossing has since crumbled even more, collapsing in two places. The south end -- which was already a challenge to reach -- has slumped. Reaching the causeway now requires sliding down a steep and very unstable embankment.
Meanwhile, the river current has broken through the middle of the causeway, leaving a serious gap.
I suppose the truly adventurous might still be able to reach the island by jumping across the gap. However, the main reason to visit at this time of year is to look for bald eagles -- and that usually means lugging expensive camera gear and a big telephoto lens. I wouldn't want to try juggling that while scrambling across.
Devil's Island is a State Wildlife Management Area. I can't imagine that Illinois will ever have any motivation to repair the causeway.
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