Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

How much longer before the Lord hears the cry of the oppressed as we cry out for justice. But wait! Our cry is too weak as our grace bleeds out from our parched lips in this wilderness. As we slosh through the blood of the innocents, our ears have deafened and our minds deadened to the tiny screams behind the death house doors in every major city. We choke down the pain by our greed.

Monica symbolizes this nation on its knees before king Clinton. I refuse to kneel in homage. Like the Israelites wandering in the desert, we have carved ourselves a golden calf to worship. Our people are as those who tormented the Christ by spitting on him and slapping him. I weep for those political cowards who run from the field of honor leaving our minds, hearts and souls strewn and bleeding on the battlefield.

Those of us who remain in the trenches must now take command of our sensibilities. We must stand firm against the ferocious beasts that tear at our souls. Grace and faith shall be our armor, prayer shall be our swords, the body and blood of Christ our sustenance and our words shall map the way for those who shall follow. Our words will be holy and our labors inspired by those who have gone before us. We shall be bold in the memory of those who have been called home to that place unblemished by sin. We care not for the wounds, for our wounds bare witness to the struggle. We shall move forward towards the light, inch by inch, foot by foot before the cross until the victory is won for we know the future: God wins.


Cape Girardeau