Letter to the Editor


This article comes from our electronic archive and has not been reviewed. It may contain glitches.

To the editor:

Recently I have been saddened by the threats and attacks in our own community against the very ideals that have made America great. The Judeo-Christian values upon which our founding fathers created the foundation for this great country are being undermined by intimidation, fear and misinformation.

Every spring as graduation approaches, one hears about another public school or college that has caved in to the demands of the ACLU to avoid a lawsuit based on the separation of church and state. Many times the court case of Lee v. Weisman will be cited as evidence to ban prayer or religious speeches on our nation's campuses. While this court case does, unfortunately, ban ceremonial prayer by officials, it clearly allows student-led and student-initiated prayer or religious speeches. Importantly, any time school officials hinder or discourage the right of a public school or state college student, the risk of being sued for infringement of religious freedom is possible, constitutional and winnable.

In this day of religious cleansing in the American republic, one needs to be armed with the facts, not half-truths. An important ally is the American Center for Law and Justice in Virginia Beach, Va. This not-for-profit organization does not charge for its legal services. It is a national network of lawyers who will litigate, provide legal services, give advice and counsel to defend the religious and civil liberties of threatened Americans.

