Letter to the Editor


This article comes from our electronic archive and has not been reviewed. It may contain glitches.

To the editor:

I would like to comment about the recent judging and picking of the community's heroes to carry the Olympic torch on May 27 through Cape Girardeau. I think the whole process was very unorganized and has really confused many people I have spoke with around the area.

One day the newspaper is asking for nominations for torchbearers, and the next day the news is showing that 25 heroes were chosen to carry the torch. Why seek nominations when you have already picked the winners?

The next week the radio is advertising that Coca-Cola is sponsoring another contest for more torchbearers. Apparently 25 more residents are needed to carry the torch. When I heard the news, I contacted a local business that said it was a part-sponsor in this contest, and it said for me to come in and pick up some more information. When I went in for my information, the business said the contest had already ended, even though the radio said it didn't end until March 1.

I think the sponsors need to get more organized next time something this big comes to our area.

