Letter to the Editor


This article comes from our electronic archive and has not been reviewed. It may contain glitches.

To the editor:

In Feb. 7 Citizens for Private Property Rights of Sullivan, Mo., hosted a workshop attended by top management personnel from the Missouri Farm Bureau, Missouri Cattlemen's Association, local geologists and numerous private-property representatives. The purpose of the workshop centered on the Coordinated Resource Management Plan from the Missouri Conservation Department in conjunction with federal regulatory agencies and the Nature Conservancy. The conservation department's goal is to establish natural-resource management through the ecosystem concept for the entire state, of which over 90 percent is private ownership.

The first phase of this land management in the Ozarks has already transpired for the counties of Shannon, Texas, Howell, Washington, Carter, Oregon, Reynolds, Iron, St. Francois, Bollinger, Madison, Wayne, Ripley, Butler and Dent.

Although realizing that the invited presiding county commissioners for each of these counties are busy individuals and possibly had prior engagements, one can't help but wonder why some did not attend and help address this vital issue of the future of our region and protection of our property rights.

