Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

I write this letter after just performing the hardest task any pet owner ever faces. My wife and I just had our beloved and faithful companion of 13 years put to sleep. Sunny was a wonderful dog. She developed cancer. We made her last weeks as happy and comfortable as possible.

I contrast this to the sad fate of another dog in our neighborhood, a beautiful German shepherd. This dog has suffered neglect and abuse her whole life.

She was fed and watered only on a sporadic basis. She was tethered on a line 24 hours a day with no shelter. She spent days in the hot sun. She spent nights in storms, huddled as close to the building as she could get. I witnessed the dog eating its own feces, because it had no food. I saw her standing under a gutter downspout letting water drip into her mouth because she had no water.

We called animal control, which made the owners take the dog off the tether and provide shelter. The shelter consists of a crawl space under the house. She in on a line just long enough to get inside the crawl space.

She still was not given food and water regularly. She was very stressed and fearful. Many times she would lunge at me as I tried to take her food and water.

A wonderful neighbor has been able to develop a rapport with he dog. He takes food and water to her twice a day. If not for him, the dog would surely have died a terrible death in the hot days of summer.

My wife and I have called animal control twice, and the Humane Society twice along with personal contact with a Humane Society employee. Another neighbor has called animal control twice. Still another neighbor has called animal control and the Humane Society several times. We have told animal control that we are willing to go to court and testify if this is what it would take to have the dog taken from these people.

We have had no results from our efforts. We have received lip service but no follow-up. We are extremely disappointed in both animal control and the Humane Society.

Can someone please help this poor animal before it comes to a tragic end?


Cape Girardeau