

This article comes from our electronic archive and has not been reviewed. It may contain glitches.

Parents of fourth, fifth and sixth graders have until the end of this month to decide whether their children in the fall will attend the school they went to last year or a different school if recent school-boundary changes by the Cape Girardeau School District affected them.

The decision also applies to kindergartners whose brothers and sisters will be allowed to continue to attend the school they attended last school year rather than be forced to attend a different school.

The Board of Education spent many agonizing hours over redistricting of elementary school boundaries and heard a lot of comments from district residents on how the revisions should be made. Many parents advocated the practice of grandfathering, which allowed their children to continue to attend the same school, and, as reflected by the vote, the board listened to what the parents wanted.

By responding to the wishes of school patrons, the board demonstrated it can be flexible. It was the right thing to do if the district wants to continue to build confidence in the school system. The grandfathering practice should continue through the first few years of redistricting until those children who are affected move on to higher grades.