Letter to the Editor

Living in a fantasy world

I am a gun owner and I support the view that everyone has the right to own a gun to protect oneself, considering the times we live in. But those who support one's right to buy assault weapons and thousands of rounds of ammunition, not to mention grenades and bomb-making materials, based on their constitutional right to bear arms must be truly living in a fantasy world in which someone like President Obama and his cronies would someday suspend the Constitution, imprison lawmakers and establish a dictatorship. Our NRA heroes, sons of the land of the free and home of the brave, would then "take back"the United States of America from these "traitors."

But let these "Dark Knights" not forget that first they will have to get a license from their doctor to buy some ephedrine tablets to keep them awake during their assault. Get real, NRA supporters and gutless lawmakers! What planet are you living in? The rest of the world is laughing at Americans as some kind of jokers living in a fantasy world.

K.P.S. KAMATH, Cape Girardeau