
Jackson's plan

Predicting what Jackson's priorities will be 10 years from now isn't an exact science. But officials and residents have spent the past year considering what needs the most attention in the city's comprehensive plan, a document that is intended to guide decisions related to services and development as Jackson continues to grow.

Growth is a serious issue for Jackson. In recent years the city has seen key street and highway developments that signal significant change is likely to occur: the East Main Street extension to I-55, the East Main/I-55 interchange, the widening of Highway 34/72 through town.

The school district has been keeping pace with population growth by adding or improving facilities.

Housing developments continue to provide attractive real estate choices for homebuyers.

Uptown improvements are being made to draw shoppers to businesses there.

All of these improvements are an indication that Jackson will continue to enjoy growth as the City of Beautiful Homes, Churches, Schools and Parks, as its official motto suggests.

Taking the time and effort to understand what the city faces over the next decade has been a challenge. The payoff will come as the city responds to future expansion with a good comprehensive plan in place.
