Letter to the Editor

Protesting Woodstock mentality

Somewhere between 75,000 to 2 million people marched on Washington, D.C., Sept. 12. Some compared it to the 1960s Woodstock.

Observations: Behind a fresh clean face, a 1960s Woodstock mentality now controls our nation. On Sept. 12, marchers exhibited the exact opposite character and moral behavior of Woodstockers. Legend says Woodstock was an innocent demonstration against the establishment. Truth? It was a Marx-induced rebellion fueled by sex, drugs and rock and roll. But Sept. 12 attendees exhibited a true kinship based on shared moral values, love of country and intellectual understanding of true American freedom and responsibility. Many attendees lived through the 1960s era. Their freedom is imperiled by a 1960s radicals' concept of freedom from personal accountability. On Sept. 12, no one had sex in the reflecting pool, let alone the mud. No one vomited on the Capitol steps. No warnings to avoid the bad acid, which could send you on a trip to the hospital.

Sept. 12 marked not just a different era but a different mentality and level of civilized behavior, thought, responsibility and accountability. The Sept. 12 protesters didn't leave tons of garbage behind when their party was over, even though park police controlled by 1960s radicals denied these orderly protesters' requests for extra trash cans and portable toilets.

On Sept. 12, responsible, civic, civil-minded people marched on Washington to protest Woodstock values, politics and behavior bringing America down. Now there's got to be some irony and a teachable moment in all that somewhere.

JOHN McMILLEN, Sikeston, Mo.