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OpinionApril 11, 1991

THE COORDINATORS FOR the MS walk would like to say a great big thank-you to all who helped make this walk for MS a huge and safe success. Thank you. WHY DOES THE media continually refer to astronaut Linda Godwin as being an Oak Ridge native? She attended Jackson schools. The home where her parents lived as well as she has a Jackson address and a Jackson phone number. Can they just not say Jackson native instead of Oak Ridge native?...

THE COORDINATORS FOR the MS walk would like to say a great big thank-you to all who helped make this walk for MS a huge and safe success. Thank you.

WHY DOES THE media continually refer to astronaut Linda Godwin as being an Oak Ridge native? She attended Jackson schools. The home where her parents lived as well as she has a Jackson address and a Jackson phone number. Can they just not say Jackson native instead of Oak Ridge native?

Her parents' home, which is south of Oak Ridge, is on an Oak Ridge mail-delivery route. It is true that it is within the Jackson R-2 School District and they have a 243 exchange, but the address is Oak Ridge.

I NEED TO GET something off my chest. Ever since Broadway has been four lanes from Kingshighway to Clark, I have almost been involved in two separate accidents. Tell me, if the car in front of me is in the left lane turning left onto Clark, and I am patiently waiting behind to go straight on Broadway, if it is lawful for the cars behind me to pass me on the right, where the lane ends, to avoid waiting like me. Both times the cars behind me have passed on the right, almost sideswiping me trying to race in front of me. Lets do something about this mess. Thank you.

A spokesman for the Cape Girardeau Police Department said passing on the right at the intersection under conditions you describe is illegal because the lane in which the vehicle would pass is posted as a right-turn-only lane. Passing in that lane and continuing east on Broadway would constitute illegal lane usage, said the spokesman.

I'M RESPONDING TO the caller concerning teachers being paid more than a person working in business. I have taught high-school students for seven years. Due to a move, I have been unable for many years to find a teaching position. I have worked in various businesses for 10 years. If I were a teacher I would be paid the same as I am earning at the business I have worked at for three and one-half years. I work on commission and average 24 hours per week, and work only six weeks longer a year than I would as a teacher. The significant difference is that the company I work for will match my profit sharing 100 percent. When I leave the company I've earned a significant amount from my profit sharing. In business you do for a fact make as much and many times more than a teacher. I use my teaching skills to sell a product knowledge, to train associates to sell service to customer. I use my teaching skills in many ways. If more teachers had the experience of selling they would be better at selling their subject and selling self-esteem. In business you don't make it if you don't make selling goals and don't perform services expected of you. In education, if you are a tenured teacher and don't motivate students, sell your subject and sell self-esteem, you retain your job, and that is sad. The tenure system allows most teachers who do not meet goals of motivating children and don't teach in a positive way to continue teaching. Most high-school teachers could not make a decent salary in business because they don't know how to service people or sell a project or meet a goal. I'm not sure who taught this caller about apples and oranges, but I would suggest that you research this subject more carefully.

THIS WEEKEND'S CAPE Central's production of "The Diary of Anne Frank" will be produced in the round. This will give the audience the unique experience of surrounding the stage close enough to touch the characters. A thankful audience will rediscover what freedom really means. The production is a sweet, touching, sobering experience the audience will not soon forget. This will be a classic, top-notch Central production everyone should experience. Thank you.

THIS IS RESPONSE to the person who was complaining about teachers being greedy in the Sunday, April 7, edition of Speak Out. If you think teachers have it so good why don't you try teaching for a while. The future of this nation rests on the shoulders of its teachers, and I am sick and tired of hearing putdowns from people who don't have an inkling as to what it is like to walk into the classroom every day and try to teach kids with inadequate, outdated materials. You surely can't think we're in it for the pay or summer vacation that is spent preparing for the coming school year. So why don't you just get real yourself, tight wad.

I'M GRATEFUL MY children have good and caring teachers so far. They should be thanked and patted on the back daily for the job they do. But I have a real problem with several teachers I work with who do nothing but complain about their small salaries. I understand wanting more money, but let's not get too greedy. My husband works 11 months out the year and works overtime daily, and, yes, he too has been to college. So please watch who you complain around. It leaves a real sour taste in my mouth. Let's use some money for education and textbooks and the like. Let's divide the dollars more equally. Thank you.

I'D JUST LIKE to welcome the troops home from Saudi Arabia. Thank you.

TO GET REAL, people, with your belligerent and stone-aged attitude towards education, who think they know everything and really know nothing, as a rule you are a contributing factor to the worsening conditions that plaque our schools.

I WANT TO tell you how bad the taxes are. They tax our income when we get it, they tax it when we spend it, they tax us on what we buy. We've got federal taxes, state taxes, county taxes, city taxes. It's gotten so bad that they're even taxing our newspaper. I like to read this but I can't afford the newspaper anymore since they put the taxes on it.

THE UNITED STATES does not need a free-trade agreement with the country of Mexico. All this will do is put more Americans out of work. The American people have seen how the trade works. The foreign countries send in what they want to send in to our country, but then they put up barriers for the American goods. I hope that Congress will block this agreement. Any country that trades with the U.S. sends more stuff into our country than we send out, and it's time that this is put to a halt. There have been too many Americans who have lost their jobs because of these foreign imports, which is totally unfair and totally unbalanced. If these congressman don't do this for the American people they should be replaced by someone who does care about the American worker. I'm sick and tired of going into stores and finding that you can't buy certain things unless they are made in a foreign country. I want the U.S.-made products. Thank you.

I THINK THIS gulf hero welcome is being overdone. Over 50 percent of the reservists went only because they had to. They were receiving an easy extra income, not thinking they would ever have to serve. I know Saddam had to be stopped or we would have had another Hitler. From D-Day until the end of World War II, I spent in Europe and did not consider myself a hero. We hadn't heard from home for months at a time or received all the goodies that were sent now. After the war was ended I was shipped to New York, where I was put on a train to St. Louis. There I took a street car and then walked four blocks to be met by my family and home. When you talk about heroes you should go to the VA hospitals and see the forgotten ones. In the paper it said the U.S. troops who fought in the Persian Gulf War were in less danger than those who live in the nation's capitol. I can see people celebrating a person coming home, but being called a hero is over doing it. Thank you.

I REALIZE THAT I must be careful in wording my comments so as not to incriminate anybody. The Southeast Missourian refused to put into print my complaint against an automobile insurance company. Is there any reason why you should not print the fact that I am pursuing those complaints? Our taxes along with those of the insurance companies pay the salaries of the employees of the Missouri Division of Insurance. Should the fact that we as individuals pay less taxes than big companies have a bearing on the decisions of the Missouri Division of Insurance? I want the little man to know that I am not a quitter when faced with what is fair or unfair. I know right from wrong. So, may I state the fact, with documented proof, that our Missouri Division of Insurance made a decision in the insurance company's favor even though they had documented proof, which I gave them, to the contrary? Now, I said this; the Southeast Missourian did not. My opinion is not necessarily that of the publishers. Thank you.

I JUST WANT to say that it is nice that these servicemen are coming home from the Middle East, but I wonder how many people are aware that there are still reservists being called up to go to that part of the country. Thank you.

THE FREE-RIDERS will have more of the American taxpayers' money on which to ride now.

THANK YOU, YACK Yack the Clown, for coming to Franklin second-grade class. We really enjoyed it.

I JUST RECEIVED my alumni signal newspaper from Southeast Missouri State University and I was wondering why, if the university is coming along so well and making such great strides in education, they're not allowed to give any doctoral degrees whatsoever. I believe all the other state universities in Missouri have a doctoral degree program, but Southeast doesn't have one at all, not even in education.

As a regional state university, Southeast has never been in the business of granting doctoral degrees. Within Missouri's system of state-supported higher education, only the University of Missouri grants doctoral degrees, consistent with its mission as the statewide research university. Neither Southeast nor the other regional state universities aspire to grant doctoral degrees, as far as we know. Presently, the highest degree that can be earned at Southeast is a master's degree.

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I AM CALLING IN response to a segment of Speak Out where someone said that God is a conservative Republican. I would like to know where that idea came from. Perhaps God has specifically told you himself, but more than likely it was just assumed since that's what you happen to be. That's like saying God was a Baptist because I'm one. Does that mean that God also likes the same things we like just because we like them? I think not. God is not characterized by our likes and dislikes. God does not have ethnic, cultural or racial basis, nor do I believe he is a particular brand of politics. Thank you.

SOMEONE CALLED IN and said that Bush is sending the IRS after the poor people instead of the rich, and Republicans blame Democrats and they're 70 years old and they want somebody to answer them. I'll answer them. Check what Congress we have and have had for 70 years. We've had a Democratic Congress, and like most people such as this 70-year-old person, they don't understand how a bill starts. It starts in the House of Representatives and then is passed to the Senate and then the president. All the bills are done that way. So that means the first two houses are Democrats. This person who is 70 years old wants to know about Jimmy Carter. Remember, it was Carter who overtook the shah of Iran, who is the policeman of the gulf. As a result we've had to send troops in to fight Iraq. Before Carter the shah took care of it. It was Carter who got the deficits going. You need to check your facts. Wake up and smell the coffee. You probably are one of the people who caused all these problems by putting in the Democrats. If you're 70 years old you're responsible for World War II.

MOTORISTS, READ THE outdoor page of the sports section in Friday's Southeast Missourian. Cape Bicycle Club has announced the routes for their upcoming rides. If you can't avoid these roads when they're going to be on them, be sure to take your patience pills before you leave home.

MR. BUSH HAS a very convenient memory. While the war was on, and when Saddam showed the prisoners of war he got on TV, he said they were going to make Saddam Huessin face up to the war crimes. He has conveniently forgotten that. He requested the people of Iraq to rise up and get rid of Saddam. Now he does nothing to assist them; he leaves them to be slaughtered. He is the same wimp that Time magazine said he was before he was elected. And he is surrounded by wimps and cowards: Quayle, Cheney, Powell and the rest of them. Thanks.

I WAS JUST watching "This Week with David Brinkley" on TV. During the program Dick Cheney was one of the guests. He indicated that at no time did Gen. Schwarzkopf recommend continuation of the war in Iraq. He claimed that this was never said. I'm satisfied that if we are going to pick which man is honest it would be Gen. Schwarzkopf. I think Cheney has a lot of guts inferring that Schwarzkopf is a liar.

I JUST WANTED to mention that the KBSI Cardinals commercial is one of the finer commercials I've seen. Thank you.

I AM INTERESTED in your statistics reported in the Sunday paper concerning the traffic on Cape Rock Drive. I live between Cape Rock and Lexington and was wondering if the numbers you quoted were per week, per month, or at what increment were you talking about? Thank you.

The numbers were average daily traffic counts for the two years mentioned. The counts were taken at peak and slow times and were averaged to get the number.

WOULD YOU PLEASE inform all the hunters and fishermen out there who, on the spur of the moment, think they can go out on anybody's farm and go hunting and fishing without calling to get permission, that this going to stop. Just because they may have asked permission once upon a time does not mean that they have lifetime permission. If they feel they do, then they can help pay taxes on that farmland or else buy their own farm. Thank you.

ON APRIL 7 there was an article in the paper that said this to the 63-year-old woman who complained about having to pay taxes for younger generations; that the younger generation is paying the Social Security and Medicare you are getting. I just wanted to straighten whoever this person is out. I'm not the 63-year-old lady she's talking to, but I just wanted to tell them that when Social Security first started I was working in 1937. I worked all my life in different jobs, but Social Security was taken out of my check. No younger person paid mine. No one paid mine. It was taken out of my salary. Thank you, Speak Out.

THIS IS TO the younger generation complaining about paying Social Security for the senior citizens. No, they pay for themselves. When they get old, just like I did, I'm still paying school taxes for school. I never had any children or grandchildren. Young people, you will get old one of these days. There are 11 widows in my neighborhood, no children or grandchildren, and we all pay school taxes. Only the selfish complain.

BEFORE I WENT TO church one Sunday morning I was looking at my plant sitting in the window and I feel like God spoke to my heart and gave me this. I would like to share it with the people because it's so true. As the plant needs sun and will reach out towards it, so do our souls. We must reach out for the sun of the spirit so we can grow. It needs plant food; so do souls need the food of God's word. Sometimes it gets rooted down and can't grow anymore because it's kept in a tight planter. So are our bodies a temple for the soul to grow. It can't be bound up, but free. Water a plant or it will die. So our souls must be watered by the stream of life that flows from God's throne. Though a plant draws strength and food from the sun, it doesn't grow until the darkest hours. That's when we get our spiritual growth. Thank you.

TO THE PERSON who told teachers to get real because teachers are lobbying for a tax increase, you need to get real. I'm a student at SEMO. I'm not an education major either; however, I believe that students are leaving high school with a less-than-average education. I don't know how old you are but let me tell you something. My generation and generations to come are facing an enormous deficit to pay. It takes money to pay that. One needs a marketable, good job. To get a good job you need a developed, well-educated mind. American students are not up to snuff. We're not being taught as well as we could be, and do you know why? Most teachers are paid unbelievably meager sums. You need to realize teachers shape our future whether you like it or not. They deserve to be compensated.

I'D LIKE TO know what has to be done to get a traffic light put up. The corner of Mount Auburn and Kingshighway is terribly dangerous. There's a lot of traffic there and we'd like to know what we need to start in order to get something done here. Thank you.

You should contact the city; however, plans call for traffic signals to be installed at the intersection as part of the extension from the north of Lexington Street, which will connect Lexington and Route W with Mount Auburn at Kingshighway, said City Manager J. Ronald Fischer. The City Council Monday will consider entering into an agreement with the state for the intersection reconstruction that includes the signals, he said. With approval, work could begin in late summer and be finished in six to nine months, said Fischer, who pointed out work already has begun on the Lexington extension that will join Kingshighway.

DO PEOPLE WHO owe these big sewer bills ever pay them? If not, then no one should pay their sewer bill. Why did the city let these people get so far behind and then raise the sewer bill for the rest of us people who have been paying? I wish Peter Kinder would check this out and let us people know. Where is all this money going? They owe hundreds of dollars. Why has this not been checked out and caught long before now? This is not a one-time thing. It is time to be corrected. Thank you.

The city is trying to correct the problem by pursing Municipal Court action against delinquent sewer users, said City Manager J. Ronald Fischer. He said the effort has resulted in people who are delinquent paying their bills. "We have reduced the percentage of delinquencies by being more aggressive in our collections" in recent years, said Fischer. "We haven't had an increase in bad debt," he said, estimating delinquent sewer debt is about 3 percent of sewer-usage revenue. Since sewer bills are based on water usage, and Union Electric Co. provides the water, the city has no authority to order that water meters of delinquent sewer users be disconnected, he said. He said many of the delinquencies result from people moving away, and the city doesn't learn of the meter disconnections for 30 days afterwards. Then, bills are not delinquent for another 30 days, so a lapse of 60 days takes place before collection efforts can begin, he said. The city turns the delinquencies over to the city attorney if payment is not made within 90 days of delinquencies, he said. Fischer said, as in any business, bad debts are a cost of operation and it is "not a significant part of the sewer rates."

I HAVE A strong suggestion for the Show Me Center people who arrange for programs to be held at the Show Me Center. For group production organizations that come in with union stage hands and projectionist-type union people, who disagree with working with our local people, I suggest we do not even schedule them. "Sesame Street Live's" notice to the public is a little bit of a slap in the face, I feel, to our local people. If they're going to cause problems I suggest we cancel the show and not schedule any more problem-causing productions in our local facility.

Show Me Center Manger David Ross said the center will continue to offer a variety of entertainment, including "Sesame Street Live," regardless of any union contracts the show may have. The center does not have a contract with any union, including the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees and Moving Picture Machine Operators, which travels with "Sesame Street Live," he said.

I AM CALLING concerning the recent concert at the Show Me Center where beer was sold to participants. I am curious as to how the management can legally sell intoxicating beverages on Sunday in Missouri. I was under the impression that the only way alcohol or intoxicating beverages could be sold on Sunday in Missouri was at an establishment that was also in the food-serving business. In other words, a certain percentage of the business had to be food sales in order to sell intoxicating or alcoholic products. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Thank you.

The Show Me Center has no beer license, said Manager David Ross. Instead, beer sold at the center that Sunday was sold by a caterer licensed to sell beer on Sundays. In that case, the caters obtained a one-day license to sell beer off its premises, he said.

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