A big thank you to Cape Central High School for Saturday's drive-through graduation! It turned out to be solemn, memorable and great fun all at the same time! Kudos to all the teachers and school personnel who turned out to congratulate the seniors. That was extraordinary! My granddaughter and I and everyone in our group was brought to happy/sad tears at one time or another during this amazing graduation.
While the headlines misleadingly read that the Jackson city council cut electric rates, the reality is that they've been overcharging for a decade. The reduction was the result of an independent audit. These "reduced" rates are more closely on par with surrounding municipality-owned electrical rates.
Being a part of the United States of America is a privilege. The people that have taken over a portion of Seattle are committing treason. If a foreign country did this we would consider it an act of war. Our military would be ordered to drive them out. If our federal government continues to do nothing, China, Russia or even the drug cartels from Mexico will try to take the part of our country they want. The world is watching. This has nothing to do about black or white. This is about good versus evil, right and wrong. If we want to keep our country, we the people better come together and defeat these treasonous groups at any cost. Give them warning and a deadline to leave peacefully, and if they don't, declare war and force them out.
In 2020, here is the break down of police shootings by race: White: 172; Black: 88; and Hispanic: 57. These are the facts. And sometimes facts can be inconvenient.
Trump lives in a dreamworld where he's the best, smartest, most rational president that has ever graced the face of the earth. He's even drawn his rabid base into this farcical dream. Now, in the real world, it's not looking so good for him because he's polling behind Biden by up to 12 points in Michigan and high single digits elsewhere. His handpicked Supreme Court Justice Gorsuch turned on him in the latest LGBTQ ruling and his anti-sanctuary city law was struck down. He needs to wake up and realize that the American people are tired of him and his hateful, nasty, restrictive laws.
I was viewing the pictures from the children's march for black lives matter. I wonder how many of these children knew why they were there? I wonder how many of them actually made the signs they were carrying? I wonder if we had a march for children to support the second amendment how would it be viewed. Exploitation? Hmmm.
It is a great idea the Left has. That we can end crime by defunding the Police. I propose that we can also end fires by defunding firefighters. I also propose that we can end medical emergencies by defunding paramedics.
At what point does some of the protest become a little silly? Should Columbus, Ohio, change its name? How about Jefferson City, or Washington state, or even Washington, D.C.? Let's just name them all Lincoln with different zip codes.
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