No! Too many people still haven’t been tested. We don’t wish to escalate contact or deaths as Florida and California have. We still haven’t experienced the full force of COVID-19.
The National Guard shouldn’t be in the school-meal-delivery business when the schoolteachers are getting paid, but not working. Teachers, administration and support staff are all getting 100% of their salaries and they should be working for their paychecks. They should be handing out food.
If the COVID-19 had been more prevalent in the Midwest and less in New York and New Jersey, would they shutdown their economies like we did here in Missouri? I hardly think so; after all, the people on the east and west coasts call the Midwest “Fly Over America.” Now they’re beginning to see that the people of “Fly Over America” feed this country and the world. We need to restart our economies now.
Gallup polling shows that the majority of Americans approve of how President Trump is handling the COVID-19 pandemic and 49% approved of the overall job he’s doing.
Are other nations giving away money and going bankrupt to prop up the economy, or are we the only one? There doesn’t seem to be any foreign news.
Shame on you Tara Reade. Instead of telling the truth about Biden you should have lied about a Republican. Your story would have been on every news program and the front of every newspaper or magazine in the country.
The Great Enabler Endorses the Sexual Assaulter sounds like a movie title, but it is just Hillary endorsing Joe. I guess she can’t help it after covering up for Slick Willy all these years. So much for the “Me Too” movement.
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