Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

After reading several recent comments in Speak Out in reference to the proposed recreational lake, I feel compelled to respond. The calls I'm referring to obviously came from supporters of the project. Unfortunately, their lack of knowledge of the subject matter is very apparent.

The first caller accused Rep. David Schwab of speaking out of both sides of his mouth. Schwab had the courage and foresight to attend and opponents meeting and hear other views besides the slanted and erroneous propaganda put forth by proponents. Unlike a certain local senator, Schwab listens to the voices of a majority of the affected landowners, not a minority of real estate speculators masquerading as concerned citizens. Schwab solicited viewpoints from the affect landowners in order to get a truer picture of the situation. This is something that should have been done 10 years ago when the project was first proposed.

Some proponents complained they did not receive a survey. The mailing list was compiled from a list supplied by the RCGA and Irvan Garms, a member of the original lake committee. Those who did not receive a survey could have obtained one at the public meeting held in Millersville on March 13. Other callers not living in the area complain they will be denied the opportunity to vote on this project. To them I say let us come seize your property in the name of recreation and against your will and flood you out of your house. Then you may have your lake.

Finally, to the Speak Out caller who stated the recent Senate committee vote on Senate Bill 363 proves what progress can be made when all the landowners work together on this project, you are seriously wrong. I and the public know what the truth really is.

JAMES C. ROCHE, President

Cape Girardeau-Bollinger Counties Landowners Association/Citizens Against the Lake
