Letter to the Editor

Saving Confederate graves

St. Louis, Baltimore, New Orleans, Durham and Memphis. These were cities in the U.S. where Confederate monuments were removed in 2017, most in the dead of night.

In Memphis, it was even more tragic. A Shelby County, Tennessee commissioner formed a "not-for-profit" corporation, that "bought" the land from the City of Memphis for $1,000 and then tore down the monuments to Jefferson Davis and Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest. In the case of Forrest, the monument also served as a grave marker for both he and his wife, and if you the reader are financially minded and not concerned with grave desecration, the land sold in downtown Memphis was worth more than $2 million.

Maybe you're thinking: Why should I care?

The answer is simple. When they are done tearing down historical monuments in the large cities, they will begin their work in the smaller cities and towns across America, and when they are done with Confederate monuments, they will turn their attention to U.S. veterans of all wars.

Now is a time for like-minded individuals to come together. There is strength in numbers.

CLINT E. LACY, Marble Hill, Missouri