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OpinionMay 12, 2010

I saw the poll in this paper about a Mardi Gras celebration in Cape Girardeau. I think It is a great idea. Instead of making it more family-oriented or more adult-oriented, why not have the best of both worlds? Have daytime activities for the families and nighttime activities for the adult crowd. ...

Mardi Gras for all

I saw the poll in this paper about a Mardi Gras celebration in Cape Girardeau. I think It is a great idea. Instead of making it more family-oriented or more adult-oriented, why not have the best of both worlds? Have daytime activities for the families and nighttime activities for the adult crowd. Allow minimal or no drinking during family hours unless they are in a restaurant or bar, and at night allow a more adult atmosphere for a true Mardi Gras street feel. I think this would be a fair way to include everyone.

Tanning tax

PEOPLE are complaining about a new tax on tanning salons. This is such an nonessential service I'm not bothered by the idea of paying an additional 10 percent. If our taxes go up on milk or diapers, we have a legitimate reason to complain. This seems to be the only target of the anti-Obama crowd when it comes to tax increases. If that's all they can complain about, score one for our president.

Eliminate PAT

I am glad funding for the Parents as Teachers program in Missouri is being cut. I have known PAT participants and teachers and for years have listened to them talk about what goes on when the teacher does a home visit. It is a waste of taxpayer money. I could write pages on the ridiculously silly stuff the teachers do on these visits, and it is all done on our dime. America has done fine for over 200 years being led by people who didn't have this program. I doubt anyone old enough to read this participated in this program. We did fine without it for a long time, proving that it isn't necessary. Don't just cut its budget. Cut the entire program.

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Misdirected diatribes

INSTEAD of Democrats (the party of the people), David Limbaugh should direct his anti-illegal immigration diatribes against dastardly big businesses that employ them and the political party (Republicans) at whose altar he worships.

School leadership

IT continues to amaze me how the whiners and moaners of the Cape Girardeau School District continue to pick at Paul Nenninger's support of his alma mater. You would think these poor folks would be excited that a man with his knowledge, experience, enthusiasm and broad background is available to lead a divided and broken system. It seems an adage applies: Lead, follow or get the hell out of the way.

Punctual smoker

I am a smoker. I almost always clock in early for breaks and lunches. If not, then I am right on time. As far as missing work, I don't. I haven't had a sick day in over three years, and before that it was due to my children being sick. I also work hard at my job and do more than is required of me. Please do not judge all people as being the same.

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