Don Call achieves Master Certification

Don Call, a board of education member in the Cape Girardeau Public School District, has achieved Master Certification in the Missouri School Boards' Association Certified Board Member program. The program established by MSBA helps local school board members master the knowledge and skills they need to function as effective educational leaders in their communities.

All newly elected school board members must complete a basic 16-hour program required by state law. Master Certification is the higher of two levels of certification available above and beyond the state's required training. Those achieving Master Certification must accumulate at least 40 hours of CBM credit, read a total of four books related to school board service, attend at least two MSBA meetings within the year, and write an essay that connects the subjects they have studied to the school district they serve.

The Missouri School Boards' Association is a private, not-for-profit organization that exists to help school boards succeed.

