Police report 5-10-24


Cape Girardeau Police Department responded to the following calls. Arrests do not imply guilt.


* A warrant arrest was reported on North Kingshighway.

* A warrant arrest was reported on Bloomfield Street.

* A warrant arrest was reported on North Kingshighway.


* Theft was reported.

* Second-degree burglary and theft from a building were reported on North Fountain Street.

* Theft from a motor vehicle was reported on South Kingshighway.


* Delivery of a controlled substance, unlawful possession of a firearm, unlawful use of a weapon and possession of a weapon and a felony controlled substance were reported on North Kingshighway.

* Resisting/interfering with arrest, detention or stop and first-degree trespassing were reported on William Street.

* Ex parte or full-order protection violation was reported on Robin Hood Circle.

* Indecent exposure was reported on Thilenius Street.

* Leaving the scene of an accident was reported on South Broadview Street.

* Violation of education requirement for a child was reported on Whitener Street.

* Animal abuse/neglect was reported on Themis Street.

* Second-degree property damage was reported on Whitelaw Avenue.