House Game Day at Guardian Angel School

Owen Morrison (St. Michael) and Tripp McClard (St. Gabriel) were neck and neck to the end, both finishing within a few seconds.

The first of the month usually brings on house color and house game day at Guardian Angel School. Thus, on Tuesday, November 7, the students donned their house colored polos and gathered in the afternoon to play house games.

The first game (Hula Hoop Relay) involved a lot of running, with picking up buckets and moving them forward and then running to the opposite end, repeating until both buckets were in the middle area. St. Michael's house beat St. Gabriel in the first set; St. Raphael beat St. Michael in the 2nd; and then St. Raphael beat St. Gabriel. In the end, St. Raphael came in first, St. Michael in second, and St. Gabriel in third place.

The next game (Hungry, Hungry Hippo) had 4 sets of 2 people in each house competing. While one student layed on top of a rolling board and held a hula hoop, the second student held on to the other person's legs and rolled them forward to gather as many balls as possible, take the balls to home base and then repeat. The balls were counted after each round and then returned to the center for the second, third, and fourth sets of each house to repeat the process. There was a very close number of balls gathered between second and third place. St. Gabriel gathered 274 balls for first place; St. Raphael had 257 for second place; and St. Michael had 256 balls for third place.

The third game was a scavenger hunt. Students of each house had to bring back items that started with each letter of the word turkey. Needless,to say, some of the students used their imagination on this game. St. Raphael returned with their items the fastest and received first place. St. Gabriel returned next for second place and St. Michael returned last for 3rd place.

The "Hungry Hippos" are ready to start on their mission. Left to right are: Kyla Rains & Mae Roper (St. Raphael), Elaina Hahn & Brooks Curry (St. Gabriel), & Everett David & Lane Seyer (St. Michael).

The school year seems to be flying by this year. Thanksgiving will soon be here, then Christmas and then the end of another school year. Hope everyone has a good learning experience and a pleasant school year.

Kambrie Seabaugh & Caroline Kyle (St. Raphael) are trying to bring back as many balls as they can to their home base.
St. Raphael's house spelled turkey with: a thankful pumpkin, a utensil (for writing), rosary, keys, eraser, & a yellow eraser.
