I Would Love to Put Some Names on these Photos

Unknown person from 1920's Weiss - Masters - Heuer photo collection

Recently I have been working on my Family Tree in Ancestry. I came across some identified photos from the 1920s in a collection of photos from the Weiss, Masters, and Heuer families.

In 2000, my late mother Mildred (Weiss) Miksicek (originally from Cape) was visited by James W Brown (then living in St Louis) who is descended from the Goodchilds and James families of the Cape Girardeau area. We both had relatives that served at Vicksburg in the Civil War, his lost a leg, ours’ died.

I just read Denise Lincoln's excellent October 20, 2018 article in the Missourian, "Monuments to African-American history" about Elijah Hannibal Goodchilds, his family, his Civil War service, and the difficulty he encountered later trying to claim his Civil War pension. I wonder if these photos could be connected to the Goodchilds - James Families?

Unknown person from 1920's Weiss - Masters - Heuer photo collection
