Spring Fling 2019: It’s time to have fun!

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“You can never grow up if you never grow old.”

As children, fun and whimsy are all around us. As we mature, the day-to-day stresses of life start to replace the space in our brains that was once reserved for fun, spontaneity and wonder. But why should kids have all of the fun?

While it’s easy to get into a routine and do the same things day in and day out, doing so does not do your body or mind any favors. Both need to be challenged to continue to grow and to avoid some of the pitfalls of retirement, including a more sedentary, less active lifestyle and decreased opportunities for socialization.

As the days get longer and the weather gets warmer, take advantage of it and add a little fun to your life, whether it’s trying a new physical activity, learning a new hobby or reconnecting with something you’ve done in the past. Not only will doing so add variety to your day, but you’ll also be providing your body and mind with a much-needed boost.